Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I walked all the way home from clinic with a grin from ear to ear. I probably scared a few people because I'm basically about to explode in my excitement!!! Do you ever giggle to yourself while walking down the street because you thought of something funny or AWESOME? Well okay it's probably an only child thing. Or just me. Ha. It took a lot of strength to suppress my urge to skip all the way home, but I'm feeling like a rock star because I just had my first session with my first CLIENT!!! I have my own client! Ahh!!! :) It feels great to feel that I'm finally in the right place at the right time. I was only drifting along in my undergrad years, where the only thing I was sure about was how I wasn't sure about anything. Well, the Lord sure is faithful. I know my weird path of Kin to SLP in the States was necessary. :) 

My crazy urge to open the window and tell everyone on the street how great my session was actually came as a displacement of my nervous energy. And I mean SUPER nervous energy. I had been driving myself nuts just thinking and preparing for this one-hour slot. At first, I was a little sad that I was assigned a supervisor whose method of teaching me how to do the session was just throwing me out to the sharks right off the bat. I had heard from my other friends that all the other supervisors were extra gentle and warm to help calm their nerves. Some of them even offered to sit in during their first session! Given my lack of experience in the field as the actual therapist, I felt really lost and just plain not ready. I didn't sleep that well last night, so I woke up early and still, nothing could distract me. 

So I went shopping. 

Have I ever mentioned the power of H&M? There's nothing like a new fall collection to take your mind off... anything! 

I went to do a little price adjustment and to use my 20% off an item coupon from the iPhone app. Woohoo! :) 
That little trip definitely helped clear my mind (and nerves). After I got home, I knew I was prepared for the session, so I picked out a fun 'office appropriate & good luck' outfit and put on my "Graduate Student Clinician" magnetic name tag (that makes me feel super important, by the way). In the end, the client was super awesome and I got good feedback from my supervisor! Hence, the excitement. 

Hooray for a great day! :)

miss you


  1. HAHAHHA cute outfit!!! miss you :)

  2. oh my goodness. love the outfit and love YOU! So awesome that you have your own CLIENT, that is amazing!!!

    i miss shopping with you at H&M!

  3. you are too adorable!!!!!! love the outfit nat!! <3

  4. Oh please girl! No more tongue sticking out! Do you need a pacifier? I can dig one out from Peony's old stuff...ha ha...

    The outfit looks great...just need some work on your posing to make you look MAGNIFICENT!!!

    Congratulations to your first client. Glad that you are seeing where you are heading to.
