Thursday, February 10, 2011


8:00 AM - Finish Lesson Plans and SOAP notes for Client 1
9:00 AM - Prestaff
10:00 AM - Work on Lesson Plans and SOAP notes for Client 2
11:00 AM - Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing class
12:30 AM - Finish Assignments for Articulation Disorders class
2:00 PM - Articulation Disorders class
3:30 PM - Prepare materials for Client
4:00 PM - Tx with Client
5:00 PM - Language Disorders in School Aged Children class
7:30 PM - Back to clinic to complete revisions for SOAP note
9:00 PM - Super hungry
10:00 PM - Finally home... to work on Lesson Plan

Tomorrow the cycle begins again! 
Except there's research at the lab in south campus and ballet. 
I'm swamped. :)

Hehe.... GRAD SCHOOL KICKS MY BUTT. and i love it!!!